Clean Butts, Happy Mutts Pet Services
(412) 583-3023
Now Available Online Booking
(412) 583-3023
Now Available Online Booking
Please be advised that if you do not get a confirmation call or notification you do not have an appointment.
Online appointment requests will be given on the next available day and time.
We dont offer mobile grooming.
All NO SHOWS will be charged on next visit.
Be aware: we have 3 resident cats in the shop. If your dog is not cat friendly, we regret we will not be able to accommodate you. Thank you for understanding.
We no longer groom cats.
We are a cage free grooming salon.
We encourage plenty of play time during appointments.
We make going to the groomer a fun experience for your pets.
With lots of toys and ample water bowls.
We have many baby gates to ensure the safety of all animals.
And can keep them separated if needed, while still letting each animal roam and play.
The entire salon is wired with cameras to allow us to keep an eye on everyone, even while grooming.
Most appointments take between an hour to an hour and a half, a little longer for larger breeds.
Please let us know about any health or behavior issues with your pet.
This is very important to the health and safety of not only your pets, but also the pets of others.
We only groom by appointment, sorry no walk-ins.
This ensures your pets get our full attention while they are in our care.
It also helps us to schedule properly, allowing extra time for those who need it.
Open today | 09:00 am – 05:00 pm |
By Appointment Only
Please call the shop for any questions. This
website and phone number will not receive text messages or reply to them.
2025 Policy Changes
No Shows:
Due to some recurring scheduling issues, it’s become necessary to make a few policy changes for the New Year. This shop is my livelihood, and I try to take good care of all my clients. For a sole proprietor, every no show creates many problems, including loss of income. When an appointment is booked, I hold your time slot open for you. Failure to show without advance notice means I’ve lost the opportunity to schedule another groom for that time period.
Effective immediately, any client failing to show without notice for a scheduled appointment will be subject to a $20 fee, which will be added to the next grooming bill.
Late Arrivals:
As a sole proprietor, I have no backup to help groom multiple animals at the same time. When a dog arrives late, this pushes your pet’s groom into the next time slot, which may already be booked. This is unfair to other clients booked in later time slots, as well as to your groomer. Every other appointment is now running late, which creates unnecessary stress for all concerned. It also often causes me to have to remain open past normal business hours, because I never want to rush and do anything less than the very best groom for any of my clients.
I understand that things sometimes happen to delay any of us. If you find you are running late, please call and let me know. Effective immediately, any arrival later than fifteen minutes behind schedule will be subject to an additional $10 fee, unless you have called and let me know in advance so I am able to determine if I will still be able to fit your pet in.
Late Pickups:
As you may be aware, we have a mostly cage-free environment, so we need to avoid overcrowding and schedule our appointments accordingly. When a pet is not picked up promptly, and we have other animals arriving, this is problematic. Additionally, late pickups at the end of my scheduled appointments can often force me to remain open unnecessarily, when I would otherwise be ready to close.
Once again, I understand that situations will arise that may delay any of us, but I expect the courtesy of a call, letting me know. Effective immediately, failure to pick up your pet within an hour of my notifying you that your dog or cat is ready will be subject to an additional $10 charge.
All my clients are very important to me, and I sincerely care for your pets and appreciate your entrusting me with their grooming. Thank you for understanding.
Thanks Moon Mutts Grooming
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